Well, what can I tell you? It is busy here in Charleston. As a matter of fact, it is the busiest I have been in five years. Inventory is slightly down (a good thing), interest rates are down (another good thing) and prices are down - not so good.
Maybe everyone is heeding Warren Buffet's advice (I am paraphrasing here): "Buy property now." I'd sure like to think so.
In comparing most of the Charleston market in the first quarter of 2011 with the first quarter of 2012, nearly across the board sales are up. Only Seabrook Island and Wild Dunes are slightly off, but there are sales in the hopper on both islands which will even those numbers out in the second quarter. See the comparison chart below.

Let me know if I can help you add to the positive numbers!
- Betty Poore
# posted by
Betty Poore @ 11:59 AM