Leverage. Yesterday, leverage was king...and no, I am not talking about LBOs.
Leverage was king, because that is what Lang Shaffer, his two children, Walter and Cassidy and my brother, Jimmy, used to right our boat. I can't believe I don't have a picture to show you how it worked, but I was actually helping man one of the lines and my hands were full.
In a nutshell, Lang and crew guided my upside down boat around the floating dock to position it sideways against the dock...and more importantly, against the current. Then, lines were tied to the cleats of the boat on the side away from the dock and using manpower, we pulled on those ropes while the strong current pushed the bottom of the boat away from the dock and presto... the boat was right side up, though full of water.
We bailed....well Jimmy, Lang and Walter bailed and Paul Myers showed up to tow the boat to the marina. Then, with the boat on the trailer, I drove the sucker (I mean our boat)to the boatyard (with my mom riding shotgun, oh yes, we are a family that stays together)where the motor was washed and rinsed so it wouldn't seize up. There it sits until Monday, when I receive the dreaded phone call with the diagnosis and the estimate. Stay tuned.
# posted by
Betty Poore @ 12:08 PM
Rain, rain and more rain brought on part two. Friday afternoon and evening, Oct 24, brought on some of the heaviest rain I have ever seen. At some point, access to downtown Charleston was even blocked off as the lower peninsula was flooded....and all that rain, coupled with high tides made driving anywhere nearly impossible
Well, I got home after dark, with it still raining and gave slight thought to the boat as it was in the lift and tied off. Mark was out of town and reminded me that the plugs were still in the boat but it was dark, raining, and the geniuses who designed our boat have the plugs accessible only from the outside of the boat, under the motor, low on the transom. Somehow, hanging off the back of the lift trying to pull the plugs did not appeal to me. So I did what any reasonable person would do, I cooked dinner and drank wine!
Boy did I regret that the following morning. The tide was so high that the boat had floated off the lift, filled with rain water and was partially submerged. (Good thing I had not pulled those plugs)I was paralyzed with indecision, ( except I did call my friend Libby to cancel golf as it looked like I was going to be awhile). Our boat looked like this.

Here are my first two "helpers" Roger (on the left, Libby's husband) and John, who came to give me moral support because by the time they got there that was all they could offer.

I had become decisive and made a decision. It turned out to be the worst one ever and now the boat looked like this.

I may have to seriously reconsider boating as recreation.
# posted by
Betty Poore @ 10:46 AM
About 2 weeks ago, Mark and I decided to go fishing at the end of the day. I love going out in our little boat and we don't go often enough. It was a gorgeous afternoon and we were ready to head out. Had our rods and bait ready, dropped the lift and ....dead battery! So, hooked up the charger, waved at the lone fisherman at the edge of the creek and trudged back to the house. Disappointed for sure.
The next afternoon I head down to the dock, alone,as Mark has headed out of town. My neighbors see my off from their porch, the boat cranks up and I am out of there.
I pass the same fisherman and as I slow to pass he waves and comments on what a fine thing a "charged" battery is...I am sure he is amused. of course I agree with him and then hit the throttle and am out of there.
I cannot describe how great it feels to be skimming across the water...no phones, no people...just me and water. Life is grand. If you time it right and go slow enough, you can ease through the creek behind our house and out in to Dewees Inlet. In our little boat we have not ventured out to the Atlantic, but rather head across the inlet and explore behind Dewees and other areas. It is just great to be out. So I am flying across the inlet and cough cough, sputter, sputter...the engine dies. I turn the key and nothing. It a good thing the tide is coming in and I drift towards the marsh.
Good thing I have my cell ( ok, so I brought my phone). I call my neighbors to call my other neighbor who has a small boat but, alas, he is out of town. Well, hells bells I think... when out of the inlet comes the lone fisherman...my saviour. His name is Ladson Galligan, from Greenville, SC and after he tosses me a tow line and a cold beer...he tows me in. What an evening. Here is picture of my pal and the sunset we had that evening.

(ps, my wonderful neighbors, Jim and Elsie Jerozal came to my assistance, too, and had me over for dinner and wine, wine, wine) All is well that ends well.
# posted by
Betty Poore @ 10:27 AM