Rain, rain and more rain brought on part two. Friday afternoon and evening, Oct 24, brought on some of the heaviest rain I have ever seen. At some point, access to downtown Charleston was even blocked off as the lower peninsula was flooded....and all that rain, coupled with high tides made driving anywhere nearly impossible
Well, I got home after dark, with it still raining and gave slight thought to the boat as it was in the lift and tied off. Mark was out of town and reminded me that the plugs were still in the boat but it was dark, raining, and the geniuses who designed our boat have the plugs accessible only from the outside of the boat, under the motor, low on the transom. Somehow, hanging off the back of the lift trying to pull the plugs did not appeal to me. So I did what any reasonable person would do, I cooked dinner and drank wine!
Boy did I regret that the following morning. The tide was so high that the boat had floated off the lift, filled with rain water and was partially submerged. (Good thing I had not pulled those plugs)I was paralyzed with indecision, ( except I did call my friend Libby to cancel golf as it looked like I was going to be awhile). Our boat looked like this.

Here are my first two "helpers" Roger (on the left, Libby's husband) and John, who came to give me moral support because by the time they got there that was all they could offer.

I had become decisive and made a decision. It turned out to be the worst one ever and now the boat looked like this.

I may have to seriously reconsider boating as recreation.
# posted by
Betty Poore @ 10:46 AM